Why do i have a broken heart?
Why do I have to laugh when I'm happy?
Why do I have to cry when I'm sad?
Why am I disappointed when I couldn’t get what I want?
Why i can't wait longer when i have to wait?
Why would i want to scream so loud when i wasn’t able to solve the problems and in a state of depressed?
Why (sometimes) i feel never get satisfied with all that I’ve got now, and be gratefull with it?
Why should I hurt when I saw the man that I like is walking together with another woman? (although he’s not mine…)
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you looked into my eyes and feel if i love you?
Why i smoke when i'm feelin' bored?
Why do i hate being alone and lonely?
Why so serious?
Why do I have to write on this blog?
Why there’s always ‘WHY” in my head all the time?
so' ada why ada because,,,
hihiiihihihihihihiii :p
sante sista...
yakinkan diri kalau TUHAN sayank smua umat NYA..
n TUHAN slalu kasih yg terbae buat kita,,,
yakin indah akhirnya,,,
*ustad jefery mode on
enjoy u'r life!!!! wokeh :D
thanks plet :D
i love my life, God bless Us 0;)
#salamgowes ahahaha
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