Sudah terlalu larut untuk menunggu, siaran telah berhenti, Ok matikan!! Lalu kembalilah ke tempat tidur. Mari istirahat, masalah besok akan kembali adalah masalah besok, jangan fikirkan dulu! Setidaknya saat ini, istirahatlah...
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Rainy Days

Rainy days make me feel so blue
Rainy days are making me think of you
Rainy days have a way of getting me down
Rainy days, no more space to fool around
Rainy days with the wind so cold
Rainy days make me feel so old
Rainy days can't you go away
Rainy days please don't stay
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sit & Think
Here... Sit down.. Let me tell you something,
Easy... don't speak.. just listen, Okay?
I don't want your comment. I just need you to know what's on my mind!
I'm gone, but i'm here...
I'm crying, but i'm laughing...
I'm running, but i'm waiting...
Easy... don't speak.. just listen, Okay?
I don't want your comment. I just need you to know what's on my mind!
I'm gone, but i'm here...
I'm crying, but i'm laughing...
I'm running, but i'm waiting...

Personal Life
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
Harvey Mackay
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
HBD My Beloved Friend
Happy Birthday My Beloved Friend Farida Hakim
Wish You All the Best
Hope You Get Everything That What You Want and That What You Need
God Love You Girl

-Hug & Kiss-
Mornin' Greetin'

Heii, Gud Mornin' i'm fine very well, setelah kemaren-kemaren sempat yang galau gila sekarang alhamdulillah bisa tersenyum kembali :D Feelin' so free from pressure in the head, yeeeaaass!!
Thank God for everything that you gave to me, everything is good, everything is beautiful,.. Gue berfikir, apa yang terjadi pada akhirnya semua tergantung kita, tergantung bagaimana kita menyikapinya, dan berharap semoga baik kedepannya.
Well, Selamat Bekerja, selamat beraktifitas.. God will bless us, happy tuesday morning for everyone, today's gonna be a great day if we just let it be ;)
*keep smile.
Monday, February 21, 2011
I wanna Screaam loudly sooo loouuudd sooo loooouuuddd till everything gonna be better. Or cry, yess Cryyyy all day long till I feel so much better.
I won’t to have this feeling. I hate doing stupid things when I am on bad mood, I hate when I can’t control my mood… !!!
Personal Life
Sakit Cacat
Sudah tahu akan sakit, kenapa masih dilakukan? Kamu yang bolak balik membuka plester lukamu sendiri, anak bodoh. Merelakan itu sulit, tapi hidup dengan luka itu sakit.
Jangan sok kuat, menangis saja, tapi jangan korek2 lukamu sendiri, nanti membusuk, cacat. Biar saja luka ini tidak sembuh. Aku mau cacat saja.
Cacat itu berarti sudah tidak lagi berasa. Tidak ada lagi sakitnya. Kamu semakin bodoh. Memang tidak ada rasanya, tapi cacat itu berbekas. Cacat itu terlihat tidak sempurna.
Itu yang aku mau, Cacat. Agar lain kali, aku berpikir dua kali sebelum memutuskan untuk jatuh lagi.. Dan atau, agar aku ingat untuk tidak jatuh lagi. Untuk tidak akan pernah jatuh lagi..
Personal Life
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Perfectly Lonely
Sendiri diruangan ini, dan gag tahu harus berbuat apa, mungkin karena terlalu banyak pikiran didalam kepala gue, dan lagi-lagi masalah hati selalu menjadi masalah terdepan saat-saat sekarang *sigh! Hari ini bukan hari yang bisa dibilang baik buat gue, pretty sad! Sempat nangis juga karena sudah gag ngerti mesti ngapain, mesti sharing ke siapa, gue sendiri disini...
Nowhere to be
A simple little kind of free
Nothing to do
No one but me
And that's all I need
I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely
I'm perfectly lonely (Yeah)
'Cause I don't belong to anyone
Nobody belongs to me
It's hurt, when you love someone new but he never know that you love him so much!! yeaah i feel this feelin' now... rasanya si gag sakit tapi sakit banget!! i hate this feelin', i hate this situation so f'n bad!! Kenapa gue sekarang masih milih buat sendiri, coz i haven't been able to get the right man that i need. Ketika ada yang suka - gue gag suka, ketika gue yang suka - tapi dia cuek aja bahkan gag pernah tau apa isi hati ini, arghh! Udah saling kenal, udah sering ketemu, tapi teteup aja yak gag peka, fiuuhhh. Makanya jadi setress sendiri.
And this is not to say
There never comes a day
It's hurt, when you love someone new but he never know that you love him so much!! yeaah i feel this feelin' now... rasanya si gag sakit tapi sakit banget!! i hate this feelin', i hate this situation so f'n bad!! Kenapa gue sekarang masih milih buat sendiri, coz i haven't been able to get the right man that i need. Ketika ada yang suka - gue gag suka, ketika gue yang suka - tapi dia cuek aja bahkan gag pernah tau apa isi hati ini, arghh! Udah saling kenal, udah sering ketemu, tapi teteup aja yak gag peka, fiuuhhh. Makanya jadi setress sendiri.
Tapi terkadang juga seneng bisa sendiri gini, mau ngapain mau kemana terserah sesuka hati, feel free and don't need to worry about the complain from anyone. Sudah pernah punya pacar yang overprotective banget, mau gila rasanya, cukuplah belajar dari kesalahan2 kemaren, jangan sampai terulang lagi :)
And this is not to say
There never comes a day
I'll take my chances and start again
And when I look behind
On all my younger times
I have to thank the wrongs
that led me to a love so strong
Sendiri bukan berarti kesepian kan? gue gag sendiri, hanya saja melakukan segala sesuatunya sendiri. belajar lebih mandiri, belajar mengatasi segala sesuatu sendiri dengan cara yang gue punya. I still waitin', kapan saat itu bakal dateng, saat Gue jatuh cinta dan dia bisa merasakan apa yang gue rasa, dan bersedia ngejalanin semuanya sama-sama, amien 0:)
Okayh, saatnya pergi dari sini, perlu udara segar untuk merefresh otak & hati.
Thank God, I Really Reaaallyyy Love My F'n Life !!
Personal Life,
Friday, February 18, 2011
WHY (?)

Why do i have a broken heart?
Why do I have to laugh when I'm happy?
Why do I have to cry when I'm sad?
Why am I disappointed when I couldn’t get what I want?
Why i can't wait longer when i have to wait?
Why would i want to scream so loud when i wasn’t able to solve the problems and in a state of depressed?
Why (sometimes) i feel never get satisfied with all that I’ve got now, and be gratefull with it?
Why should I hurt when I saw the man that I like is walking together with another woman? (although he’s not mine…)
Why don’t you love me?
Why don’t you looked into my eyes and feel if i love you?
Why i smoke when i'm feelin' bored?
Why do i hate being alone and lonely?
Why so serious?
Why do I have to write on this blog?
Why there’s always ‘WHY” in my head all the time?
Personal Life
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Just Until Sundown
standing in corners and clenching my jaw.
Watching you watching the ones that I wanted to be.
Blaming this all on a moment,
blaming this all on my views,
blaming the mood of the music,
blaming it all on you.
All on you and me, All on you and me
Just because you said what you wanted doesn't make it right.
Just because the moment was heated doesn't mean that I wanted to fight,
and even though I saw your anger, even though I saw your face,
the words that you cited were chosen,
not thinked, not spoken in haste.
All on you and me,
All on you and me
Just for the moment,
Just for the moment,
just one more time,
just one more second and we'll be just fine,
this could be just, be just in case it's the last time.
Just for the moment,
Just one more time,
Just one more second and we'll be just fine,
This could be the last time...
Just until sundown,
just one more day I could hold you,
that I could hold you,
Just until sundown,
just one more day I could hold you,
without you,
pushing me away.
All on you, And me.
Music Lyric
Monday, February 7, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Cur to the Hat

I dunno what to do, I dunno what to say, I cant explain anything… I’m not strong enough to face the truth, okhh poor me !! perasaan ini sama dengan perasaan 5 tahun lalu, when I met the man, I would like to believe, I intend to love him with all my heart, but… I knew the truth, I couldn’t get him..and it's hurt !!! “Ohh God, why do I have to meet him, when he have been with another women?”
Kenapa harus ngerasain perasaan kaya gini lagi ? I hate this feeling, I want to get into the hole and disappeared… Gak sanggup kalo kudu begini terus, keliatannya aja kuat diluar, coba liat lebih dalam, ada air mata disana.
Yess, mungkin udah jalannya kudu begini dulu before I meet the right man in a right time, amien !! Keep praying, keep trying, keep fighting..
OK, I will continue to do my work, wish all the best for myself…
Personal Life,
Just Let Go…

That I must let go, to grab something else, and I’m talking my 1st piece of this immense, ruthless, beautiful world… I’m grabbing life by the horns, danger and all, no matter what become of it… Oh me to let go..
Personal Life

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